Tuesday, November 29, 2022

HLE again

 What has been done before:

1) 24 May 2022 double lesson (hopefully you have your notes)

2) PhilpotNew U7 pp 300-304-319 (including two examples with assessors' comments)

3) PhilpotNew p xix + marking scale for HLE: pp xxvii-xxviii

4) 18 May 2022 blog post

5) Tera HLE folder: this is what is there at the moment, most of it since the year 2020 (some more might be added)

6) Today:


(HLE from start to finish)

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Paper 2 again

NB! See also my 21 Feb 2022 blog post.
Generally, Paper 2 exam essay questions seem to be concentrating on the following:
* Form and Structure
* Personal judgement, often can ask about a “lens” - cultural - feminist - etc.
* Themes or characterization - maybe conflict
* Broad Concept - beliefs - home - etc.

NB! See my 16 May 2022 blog post on assessment of essays.

What makes a text timeless and literary???
timeless = not affected by the passage of time or changes in fashion.
literary = having a marked style intended to create a particular emotional effect
Some sample Paper 2 questions:
1) Literature is often said to be timeless. To what extent is this true of two works you have studied?
2) How can we explain the continued interest in a particular work in different contexts and at different times?

The following could all be significant. Put them in the order of importance for you:
* an original, interesting plot
* well-rounded characters that are not perfect but easy to relate to
* a good conflict to build the story around, a good climax and resolution
* a well-done ending
* interesting use of language
* good use of literary devices and techniques
* being set in an interesting world
* themes of major importance and universal interest discussed
* aesthetic value

Possible reasons brought out by some earlier students (not a definitive list):
* reader being able to relate to the themes (real-life history, human struggle, epic fight good vs evil, existential questions)
* the characters have distinctive voices (characteristic of the time and place)
* life-like characters develop throughout the story (round and dynamic vs flat and static, see: https://prezi.com/c7kkzijg2-fa/characters-round-and-flat-static-vs-dynamic/)
* different elements work together (plot, character development, writing technique, etc)
* the text
               includes several different viewpoints
               is easily readable but not simplistic
               allows multiple interpretations
               gives a good overview of the world the story is set in
               caters for the reader's intellectual, emotional, ethical, and
                                                                       spiritual development
               makes the reader question sth, ask questions
                                                                  and search for answers
               makes the reader think about themselves, their times,
                                                                          their society, etc (familiarity)

Literary criticism
15 types: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/literary-theory-explained
Feminist criticism:  https://www.thoughtco.com/feminist-literary-criticism-3528960#:~:text
Marxist criticism: https://writingcommons.org/section/research/research-methods/textual-methods/literary-criticism/marxist-criticism/#:~:text
Queer theory: https://literariness.org/2019/03/04/queer-theory/
Gay/lesbian studieshttps://literariness.org/2018/11/15/gay-lesbian-studies/

NB! See Literary criticism generic questions (on Tera)

Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

Political cartoons: https://www.ncpedia.org/anchor/analyzing-political-cartoons# https://www.blitznotes.org/ib/eng-langlit-sl/cartoon_conven...