Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Ben Garrison BOW

 GI: Incompetence in the American Democrat Party / Current Establishment


Creator: Ben Garrison

Ben Garrison is an American cartoonist often vilified and mocked (by left-wing commentators) and appreciated and somewhat respected (by conservatives). His work mainly parodies US Democrats in an exaggerated, over-the-top way to make his points, while joking at the same time. This gives him free-reign in some sense to go over the line, as he is purposefully being hyperbolic. Most of his cartoons recently focus on corruption or incompetence in the ruling establishment (the Joe Biden administration) in the US.

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Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

Political cartoons: https://www.ncpedia.org/anchor/analyzing-political-cartoons# https://www.blitznotes.org/ib/eng-langlit-sl/cartoon_conven...