Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Comics and cartoons and graphic novels

To complement PhilpotNew U 1.5
On Tera (in the folder "How to analyse"):
* Analyse a cartoon
* Deconstructing cartoons
* Gender in cartoons
Calvin and Hobbes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvin_and_Hobbes
Philosophy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAN7TZ6Wpag (9:06)
Calvin and Hobbes search: https://michaelyingling.com/random/calvin_and_hobbes/
Dear Mr Watterson: https://www.scpr.org/programs/offramp/2013/11/14/34648/dear-mr-watterson-we-miss-calvin-and-hobbes/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKFaLKMCzYQ (33:49)
Difference: A cartoon is a single panel image usually used to convey an idea. A comic is a story told using sequential panel images. Sometimes the terms cartoon strip or comic strip are used interchangeably to describe a hybrid of the two.
Main elements of a comic:

Different emanata:

Task: Consult the blog post on sustainable development goals, and find a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon or comic strip to illustrate one of the goals there.
If you have already found some other text type to illustrate one of the goals, be ready to present that, too.

Best comic books ever: https://www.amexessentials.com/top-most-powerful-graphic-novels/
List of famous cartoonists: https://www.ranker.com/list/notable-cartoonist_s)/reference

Graphic novels
This source gives a good overview of what is out there but probably doesn't allow you to read much online: https://libwww.freelibrary.org/explore/topic/graphic-novels
Some things are exceptionally useful, though, e.g. the comics timeline.
Comics can be read here (but beware of some stupid ad blocking your view - seems to be OK when you open the same site twice, it doesn't come up in the second window): https://readcomiconline.to/
Read graphic novels online here: https://www.comicextra.com/graphic-novels-comic

NB! If you find a great source of a lone-standing book that is readable online free, or a place where many can be read free, share here :)

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Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

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