Wednesday, December 15, 2021

5 Choosen poems and my own limerick

 Poem 069: The Space Heater

This poem is about a heater, near a patient's bed in a hospital. There are a lot of emotions of the patient portrayed in the poem.

“I wanted the doctor to turn it off

but I couldn't seem to ask, so I just

stared, but it did not budge ”


Poem 095: The Halls

A poem about a worker who left who office, he either left on his own will or got fired.

“Five more books in a box to be carried out to the car;

your office door closes behind you and at that moment

you turn invisible—not even a ghost in that hall

from the hall’s point of view.”


Poem 132: Leaving the Island

 A poem about the end of summer vacation 


"We roll up the rugs and strip the beds by rote,
Summer expires as it has done before.
The ferry is no simple pleasure boat"


Poem 160: Something

Poem about a person finding out that they have cancer and the shock followed by the news

“The minute the doctor says colon cancer

you hardly hear anything else.

He says other things, something

about something. Tests need to be done,

but with the symptoms and family something,

excess weight, something about smoking,

all of that together means something something

something something, his voice a dumb hum

like the sound of surf you know must be pounding,

but the glass window that has dropped down

between you allows only a muffled hiss

like something something”


Poem 039: Snow

Poem about a person lying to their brother and being questioned about it

“I pointed to a place where kids had made angels in the snow.
For some reason, I told him that a troop of angels
had been shot and dissolved when they hit the ground.”



My limerick 


When the sun goes lower

The time feels slower

On a sand dune

Under the moon

He handed a flower




  1. Labels missing. Work seems anonymous.

  2. A limerick generally needs to be humorous, and contain a person's name and/or a place name.

  3. The reason WHY you like some particular line was the important bit in this task.


Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

Political cartoons: