Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Individual Oral 3


https://ibo.webex.com/recordingservice/sites/ibo/recording/a0aeff5d0ae741419b09604c91e22539/playback (1:11:41)

Brad Philpot has suggested the following outline:
NB! MINUS the comparison / contrast!!!

Some ideas on this from IB teachers online:

* This outline would just be a quick fix help for the ones who are still grappling to get an understanding of how the IO needs to be structured and presented. Following this to the T would make it a bit too formulaic.
* I would add to this the need for a smooth transition between the two four-minute discussions, i.e., when moving to the other text. This is also a nice place to use a statement of comparison or contrast. Something like "While this author covers the Global Issue [in this significant way], it is seen differently in the other text [in this significant way]..."
* I have had some really nice framing of points about the GI made as comparison or contrast within those 4:00 segments. To me, this can show deeper knowledge and analysis. I do not discourage comparison and contrast, but do urge students to "use it perhaps once or twice to frame deep thinking" and not to "rely on it as an organizational tool."
* An example from the entire work? So If the student has chosen a strip from Calvin and Hobbes, then he has to give an example from another strip? --> Yes, from 2 others.
* examples from the rest of the work/bow can be referenced in the outline. The moderator does not have to see them. But I think this is an excellent way of showing understanding of the work/bow (criterion a)

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Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

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