Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Ted talk on Beauty - Timo Liiv

 ‘How I define beauty’ - Winnie Harlow


I have decided to choose this ted talk about beauty. Winnie Harlow brings out many points based on beauty, such as:

  • Beauty is in everything

  • Societal standards in beauty

  • Be yourself

These points were brought out because Harlow herself had experienced bullying due to her skin condition, vitiligo. She was alienated because of her skin condition and was picked on because of it. She discusses how she can see beauty in everything and to not follow societal standards in beauty. 

I personally do not agree that there is beauty in absolutely everything, but I do understand what Harlow is trying to say. 

As an example that she uses to bring out her message is her own experience of having vitiligo and how others had behaved towards her. 

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