Tuesday, December 6, 2022

One Day in the Life of Timo

The day was rather simple; wake up, go to school, and come back home. Timo wakes up and turns around to look at what the time is. As he rubs his eyes to improve his vision, he notices that he wakes up rather late. At 8:17am, Timo quickly rushes to his closet, puts on his clothes, and quickly eats breakfast. By the time he has done his morning routine, he checks the time on his phone and it reads '8:35am'. His first lesson has already started. He thinks about which is the quickest method to get to school. Usually, he would wake up from 6:45am to 7am, which gives him enough time to do his morning routine and start walking to school. The walk takes approximately 25mins. He knows that if he starts walking to school now, he will miss the first biology lesson. Instead, he decides to order a bolt to pick him up and drop him off at school. He opens the app on his phone, places the destination and walks out of the house.

The bolt has arrived. He grabs his bag, lifts it off his shoulder, places it in the car, and goes in the backseat. The driver looks at the destination and understands that he is in a rush to get to school. He asks with a smirk on his face, 'late for class?'. Timo laughs and replies, 'yes, I am rather late for class'. While on the ride to school, he opens his phone and scrolls through TikTok to pass the time. As the car turns a corner, the driver asks, 'are you Russian?'. 'No, I'm not Russian but Estonian'. 'Ah...you have a strong accent so it was hard to tell'. 'Yeah, but I am also English, I come from the UK'. 'Ah an Englishman, I am guessing you study in English, not Estonian?'. 'Yeah I have been studying in English for my whole life and I am not quite fluent in Estonian'. The car approaches the school and Timo grabs his bag, says goodbye and thanks to the driver, and hurries off for his class. 

The school day is over, and he makes his way home. He opens the front door and takes off his winter boots and his heavy winter coat. The bag with his laptop and charger inside had been killing his shoulder throughout the day and is finally able to take it off and relax. He checks Stuudium to see what homework needs to be done. No homework for tomorrow. He goes over some of his notes that he made in school, gets a little bit ahead in chemistry by moving on to the next sub-topic and calls it a day. He is rather hungry, so he gets a burger from the fridge to microwave. After a satisfying meal, he switches the TV on and enjoys the rest of his evening. 

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Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

Political cartoons: https://www.ncpedia.org/anchor/analyzing-political-cartoons# https://www.blitznotes.org/ib/eng-langlit-sl/cartoon_conven...