Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Experience with English so far.

Since I have lived in England for nearly all my life, I am quite fond of speaking and writing in English. I have Estonian parents so I also try to communicate in Estonian with them to develop my skills. My use of sophisticated language is fairly ok. Other than English and Estonian, I do not speak any other languages at the moment. I do not read a lot of books but my favorite book genre would have to be horror. I've always enjoyed spooky or chilling stories because the lore is usually really good and it makes me want to keep on reading. Back in England, we were studying and analyzing a certain play named "An Inspector Calls". It was written by J. B. Priestly and it was really interesting. If you are able to read the play by yourself, the whole story starts to unravel and you just can't stop reading. I would recommend reading it for yourselves. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice suggestion I'll check it out when I have time.


Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

Political cartoons: https://www.ncpedia.org/anchor/analyzing-political-cartoons# https://www.blitznotes.org/ib/eng-langlit-sl/cartoon_conven...