Tuesday, September 7, 2021

My Language Background and Reading Habits

Hey I'm Enes and this blog is going to be about the languages I speak, my experience with them, and my reading habits.

My mother tongue is Albanian, I mostly use this with my parents and family back at home in Albania however when I can't find the right word I use English to help me out . Hopefully in the future I can properly learn Albanian as still to this day I make mistakes when writing and at times even when talking.
The second language and the one which I'm most comfortable with is English. I learned this in the 1st grade, I use English everyday, with my friends and teachers at school. For me English and Albanian are my 1st languages as I learned English at a very young age. Nevertheless I still make grammar mistakes when writing in English which are things that I would like to avoid in the future.
The 3rd language I speak is Italian. I learned Italian when I used to live in Italy. When I first learned it I was very good at writing but now since it has been a long time my skills in writing have deteriorated, but I can still speak it and understand it quite well.
The 4th language I know is German. I learned this in our school Miina Härma Gümnaasium. I can speak it at an ok level, but my grammar skills and writing are nothing too crazy. I know enough to get myself out of sticky situations, and have a little conversation.
Then the last which I used to know again pretty well but forgot it completely is Spanish. I also learned this when I lived in Italy. I learned this at my old school and at the time my grammar, writing and talking skills were pretty good, but once I left I rarely used it which led to me forgetting it, however this year I am taking it once again to freshen my memory and learn it once more.
Now on to my reading habits. My reading habits aren't as good as I want them to be but at least I still read from time to time. When I usually read I like to go somewhere with complete silence so it's just me and the book. I also make sure to find a comfortable spot since I will be staying there for a long time, and sometimes also bring a snack or a drink such as tea because for some reason it makes me feel cozy. The books I usually read vary from different subjects but they aren't too thick nor too slim.


  1. whyd you write so much

  2. I don't think you ever forget a language really, you should just expose yourself to more Spanish and it will come back, languages never leave you, perhaps they are buried somewhere in your brain but with enough coaxing you will remember the language. Try watching movies or videos in Spanish, maybe even listening to music.

  3. binir bis mig big al?


Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

Political cartoons: https://www.ncpedia.org/anchor/analyzing-political-cartoons# https://www.blitznotes.org/ib/eng-langlit-sl/cartoon_conven...