Saturday, October 23, 2021

PhilpotNew U1.6

 PhilpotNew U1.6

Anastasia Gvineria


  1. 1. What inspired you to make these artworks?

2. What made you choose these types of colors for your work?

3. What emotion were you feeling while making these artworks?

4. Did you intend to give your artworks a certain message and make them impactful to others? If so, what is the message and what type of impact was in mind?

  1. Banksy is a street artist whose full name and identity remain unknown. He is known for his satirical artworks with political messages. His artworks can be found on walls, underground areas, etc. Since his identity remains unknown, his main goal with his art is not to benefit himself in any way, it is to spread his message and that is his only intention. He gets no credit or benefits from his art, even though they are very popular and liked by others. His inspiration was an artist named 3D, this is what got him started on his work. I think he used his artwork to let out his emotions and let them be known by other people without them knowing who made them. 

  1. I chose FT weekend as the magazine I would interview Banksy in. This is a magazine where famous interviews are held and I think the audience would be very interested in Banksy.

    Interview with Banksy

Many of you may already know him, but we would like to introduce you to a street artist named Banksy. He is pseudonymous and is based in England. Other than being an artist, he is also a political activist and film director and his identity remain a mystery to this day. Because of his mysterious and interesting persona, not to mention his amazing art, people have been asking questions and are becoming more and more interested in this person. This is why we have decided to set up an interview with him where we try to get the answers to your most frequently asked questions, and hopefully leave you satisfied with the answers.


Interviewer: Hello, welcome to our company, we are very glad to have you here!

Banksy: Hello, I am glad to have this chance to be interviewed.

Interviewer: We have prepared many questions since you seem to be a very interesting person to the public since you keep your identity unknown. This is going to be a very interesting interview considering how many questions people have for you and how much they want to know more about you. 

Banksy: Yes, I am ready to answer anything you want to know!

Interviewer: My first question to you would be why you decided to keep your identity private? I mean, you make all these amazing artworks that have been blowing up and amazing people, but you still choose not to take credit for them and remain unrecognized. 

Banksy: I have gotten this question a lot and many people think that my decision to keep my identity private does not make any sense to them. It is understandable in a way, that when your artworks become successful you want to take credit for them and let them benefit you, but I think revealing my identity would ruin my passion for making these artworks. The fact that nobody knows that it is me making them is what makes them so unique. I make them freely without any fear of criticism or judgment, I just draw what I enjoy.

Interviewer: That is a very fair point and an interesting answer, and we finally found out the reason from Banksy himself. Now, moving on to my next question, do you have any intentions or goals with your art, or do you simply make them for your amusement and self-expression?

Banksy: Well, initially it was only for self-expression. I just did it for fun and never expected to get anything out of it. I just expected a couple of people walking past my art and recognizing it, nothing else. But the amount of publicity my art got was very unexpected. Once it started getting so big, I started putting more impactful messages and things that I wanted more people to see/be aware of. So to answer your question, I did not have a goal with my artworks at first, but now I make them spread my thoughts and beliefs amongst a large number of people.

Interviewer: That is brilliant. I will not bother you for longer and let’s wrap this interview up with one last question - Do you have anything to say to your fellow audience and supporters?

Banksy: Yes, actually, I think this is a great opportunity to reach out to them since I have never had the chance to do it before. I want to let you all know that I am very thankful for the amount of support you have been showing towards my art, and you are the ones who inspire me to keep it going and make a difference in the world with my artwork. I will continue to improve my art and hope you will keep enjoying it. 

Interviewer: Thank you very much for giving us the answers to the questions that we have had for so long! Wish you all the best and goodbye!

Banksy: Thank you for having me, goodbye.


  1. Shepard Fairey, HOPE (2008)

This artwork by Shepard Fairey is a stylized stencil portrait of Barack Obama. It has been described as iconic and has even been used in one of Barack Obama’s campaigns in 2008. The colors used in this artwork are solid red, light and dark beige, and blue. His style is very realistic and detailed, and the use of color connects to the American flag. Mainly, his artworks are related to America/Americans. 

  1. Fairey decided to create a portrait of Obama based on his feeling that his "power and sincerity as a speaker would create a positive association with his likeness".

The poster was inspired by Social Realism.


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Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

Political cartoons: