Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Looking at any text from different perspectives

Any text can be looked at from different perspectives, and analysed as is suitable towards different IB aims.
Paper 1: 
Take a careful look at assessment criteria A and B, and consider how you would approach this particular text in light of the requirements of these criteria. Identify the text type and its characteristics. (See the characteristics of the text as listed in the subject guide.) You also need to be able to analyze a text to see the extent to which it follows the characteristics of the text type, or subverts them. If an advertisement, for example, does not clearly identify the product, consider the reasons why that choice was made and think about the intended effect on the audience. 

Individual oral: 
Look at criteria A and B for the IO. There are some similarities between the criteria in the IO and those in Paper 1 but the IO also requires students to make connections between extracts from a literary work and non-literary body of work (BOW). The IO must make connections with the global issue (=GI) that the student has chosen, so it is advisable to consider how a text is linked to different global issues.

HL essay:
This is an in-depth analysis of a non-literary BOW or a literary work the student has studied in class. Imagine this text is from a non-literary body of work and consider possible approaches you could take with the 1200-1500 word HL essay. This could include evaluating connections between this text and the seven central concepts in DP Language A Language and Literature.

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Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

Political cartoons: https://www.ncpedia.org/anchor/analyzing-political-cartoons# https://www.blitznotes.org/ib/eng-langlit-sl/cartoon_conven...