Friday, November 5, 2021

Newspapers and news articles

Philpot U3.1 Journalism (pp 69-77, 134)
Good news:

To complement old CC pp 175-184 (Mass communication) and PhilpotNew U1.8 News articles:

Task: When you have done p 179 in the Mass communication document (old CC) and the front page news activity there, look at the following on front pages and analysis of such, pick one front page and write an analysis of it as if it were Paper 1 (analysis of a previously unseen text). Include a copy of the front cover in your document, and put it in your portfolio. Be ready to share, discuss and comment.
Possible guiding question: In what ways does the page capture the reader's imagination?

Front pages of British newspapers.
US front pages:
Tomorrow's papers front pages (British):

How to analyse a newspaper front page:


Who works in a TV newsroom:

Ambiguous NP headlines (discuss what they might mean):

Some headline fun:

NB! If a guiding question is missing from a text that could potentially function as a Paper 1 text, use this:
Analyse the text, commenting on the significance of the context, audience, purpose, and formal and stylistic features.

Task: 2 NP articles on the same topic, different perspectives:
Introduce the texts - topics and sources.
Discuss differences in language, tone, facts, comments, pictures, etc.

Broadsheets vs tabloids: Tabloids vs broadsheets doc on Tera


(If it ever happens that the above does not work any more, hopefully the following links originally included in it still work:

Identifying Biased News Reporting

See this on Tera: Recognizing Online Propaganda, Bias, and Advertising - Transcript
Types of bias:
Media bias chart:
Media bias archive: )

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Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

Political cartoons: