Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Belief and values: Beauty (work in progress)

Task: Discuss what beauty is for you with your classmates.
Put your ideas about what it is in poem form. Share. 

An example by me:

From dawn to sunset
Beauty is what beauty does
Lends a helping hand

© Erika

Lines of inquiry
How are social constructs of beauty and gender created and communicated? (factual)
To what degree does one's cultural perspective shape one's understanding of gender and beauty? (conceptual) 
To what degree do media platforms have a responsibility to communicate healthy constructs of beauty? (debatable)

Beauty standards through history: https://www.scienceofpeople.com/beauty-standards/ (3:09)
Is beauty in the average? (read this and some related texts from the same site): 
Techniques in advertising: 
Ugly = the new pretty: https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2006/7/21/ugly-is-the-new-pretty-bologna/
Vocabulary to talk about beauty: NB! Not every word is formal enough for using in IB assignments
https://www.words-to-use.com/words/beauty/ (Discuss the quotes :) )

TED talks about beauty: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=TED+beauty
Task (portfolio and presentation and blog): Choose one TED talk on beauty (not to same as any of your classmates), watch it and make a short presentation to class (including presenter, specific topic, main points they make and ideas they put forth + examples, specialist terms, your own opinion of the issue, anything else you deem worthwhile).
See the document (on Tera) on summarising to help you with language choices. 
In addition, make a blog post on it (incl. link to where it can be watched, main idea, GI). It could be in the same blog post with your explanation of what beauty is.

To complement PhilpotNew Unit 2.3
Discuss it in detail, make sure you know all the vocabulary and key concepts.
Treat every text as a possibility to practice for Paper 1, i.e. detailed annotation and thinking of a possible guiding question to go with it (if the book has not suggested one). After annotating on your own, discuss with some classmates to pool your ideas. Balance-wise, pay a bit more attention to non-literary texts than literary ones. Save annotations in your portfolio.
Every time you go off the book to read / research something online (as directed by a task in the book, or me, or because of your own interests), share useful / interesting findings on the blog.
Set yourself homework at the end of each discussion lesson (unless the teacher has given you something specific to do). Each time include something that could and should be presented to the whole class the next time.

See which parts of PhilpotNew U2.3 Beauty the following might go together with:
* Same topic, different ways of presenting. What are the advantages and disadvantages of presenting an issue in such ways? Who might be the intended audience? 
How would you word a global issue here?
Fed to Wed (documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8YJm6w2IvU

Objectifying men:
Could this be the beginning of a BOW?

Why is it so hard to see black and blue (Task 3.10 / Text 2.25): 

Task: Create a BOW :)

Task 3.11: Add catcalling to the list of problems.
Make Your Move!: http://www.makeyourmovemissoula.org/
The Bystander Campaign: http://www.makeyourmovemissoula.org/bystander (BOW!) (read about consent and bystander tips, etc., too)

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