Tuesday, March 22, 2022

PhilpotNew Task 3.12 rewritten for small groups (do NOT go there unless instructed to do so)

* Read the intro and point a (PhilpotNew p 135 Towards assessment).

* Go to Chapter 8 and read / discuss pp 321-322 (up till the end of Task 8.1).

* Refresh your memory of what is available on the blog in connection with the IO (and where exactly).

* Back to p 135. Read Texts 2.27 and 2.28 quickly, discuss point b, and pick a global issue to concentrate on.

* Annotate both texts, and do point c on your own.

* Instead of point d, share your outlines in your small groups.

* Do points e-j using feedback from your small group members.

Save everything in your portfolio.

NB! You are not allowed to use the same texts for your real IO that you have used for this kind of practice.

Do NOT go past this line yet!

Analysis of The Diet by Carol Ann Duffy (only to be consulted after you have done PhilpotNew Task 3.12 as fully as possible): https://poemanalysis.com/carol-ann-duffy/the-diet/

Task: consult the online analysis, and add another layer to your annotation of the poem.

A student's analysis of Text 2.28: 


Beauty and fitness adverts: 


Portfolio task: Use Text 2.28 as the text for practice for Paper 1, with this guiding question:

How does this advertisement use written and visual language to ‘speak’ to its reader?

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