Tuesday, December 6, 2022

One day in the life of Sithil

 One day in the life of Sithil

The night ends the morning of December sixth begins. Sithil is warm under his blankets, asleep. The alarm rings, and he turns it off without even looking. The routine has built up muscle memory which makes the task somewhat automatic. Five minutes have passed, and he is still in his bed, hardly awake. A few more minutes passed, and he remembered he should not let his eyes close. From his experience, he knows that if he lets his eyes close, he travels forward in time, waking up an hour later than planned. Ten minutes have passed since the alarm, yet he is in bed. After stretching for a few seconds, he immediately gets out of bed. The clock shows 7:15. Twenty minutes countdown begins in his head as he rushes to get ready. After heating some oatmeal, he gulps it in less than five minutes. He quickly scans his wardrobe for an outfit and goes off to the bus stop roughly 800m away. As he walks out, the wonderful Estonian winter greets him with bitterly cold wind and a thick layer of snow. Luckily, he makes it to the bus just in time. 

For Sithil, today is a busy day, seven lessons in a row followed by a physics test. In the first two lessons, he struggles hardly to stay awake. The quietness and the boredom of the task in the biology class make his brain go numb. His neurons are still asleep, waiting for stimulation. Time passes quickly, and it is time for his physics test. Sithil panics as his friends point out some unfamiliar calculations. Nevertheless, he decides to let fate govern his grade. After looking at the test, he feels relieved. It is much easier than he had anticipated and a sense of confidence builds in him. After the test, he is surprised to see that he did well. As for the rest of his physics lesson, he tries to find a logical answer to one of the questions. After many attempts, he succeeds and heads home. He grabs some food, sits at his desk, proceeds to watch some fascinating content, and decides to make some art for the rest of the evening.

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Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

Political cartoons: https://www.ncpedia.org/anchor/analyzing-political-cartoons# https://www.blitznotes.org/ib/eng-langlit-sl/cartoon_conven...