Tuesday, September 21, 2021

PhilpotNew U1.3 Films and commercials

Allegory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory
Plato's allegory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_cave
Apple Macintosh 1984 Super Bowl commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3jjKuTAPHA
Analysis of the above: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_(advertisement)
A commercial in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww2MnWe_gSs
Task: Try a couple of other commercials in languages you don't know but for brands you know quite a lot about.

Political ads: http://politicaladarchive.org/
The science of political advertising: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2012/04/advertising
Campaign advertising: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campaign_advertising
An example of standards for ads from Australia: 

(Ignore these for now:
List of persuasive techniques: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VXcS1c4y8M (14:28)
Advertising techniques: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWz8CzLELLQ) (17:48)

Adidas-Break Free Rhetorical Analysis (somebody's school assignment, 8:19): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spw1-cxyWAI --> 
What is good / bad about this analysis? 
Which ideas do you agree with?
On which ideas could you expand? How?

Rhetorical Analysis of Nike "Snow Day" (16:09)
What makes this better? Why is such analysis not exactly what you need to do for IOC?

Budweiser Lost Dog Super Bowl Commercial (1:02)
What are they selling and how?
Create your own rhetorical analysis.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Individual oral (=IO)

The individual oral addresses the following prompt:

Examine the ways in which the global issue of your choice is presented through the content and form of one of the works and one of the texts that you have studied. 


LangLit Subject Guide p 55!!!

IBO has released / revealed a new IO form that supposedly students have to fill in to help themselves during the process. Have a good look at it. This is also available on Tera in a more user-friendly form.

There is also an official IO outline form from IB on Tera.

I challenge you to find an easily-understandable explanation of what a line of inquiry is, and if you find something that makes a lot of sense, share it here with all of us.

You can do whatever you want to prepare for your IO with the help of a classmate, but according to IB, if you do a mock IO, it diminishes your choices considerably because you are not allowed to use the same extract(s) in the real IO

Citing somebody who has delved deep into IB answers:

According to IB Answers: "The individual oral is an exploration of the representation of a global issue in an extract and in the corresponding work or body of work it comes from. It does not only focus on the part but on the whole as well. If a student used a poetic work studied for a practice oral, and in spite of choosing as an extract a poem different from the one used in the recorded oral, the whole work would be considered." So, no. The student cannot do a mock IO with the teacher using a different extract from either the literary work or non-literary work he does his actual IO on.

They also say that no other student can use the same work or body  of work, so we will not have any IO mocks.

Since I do not want to narrow your choices, this is it. Anything on the blog, thankfully, does not constitute a mock IO.

Product Placement

 Product Placement - a practice in which manufacturers of goods or providers of a service gain exposure for their products by paying for them to be featured in films and television programmeVirtual product placement is coming for TV and movies and Ryff has raised  cash to put it there | TechCrunch

This is a product placement.

007 Product Placemat, Heineken payed 45 million to be a part of a movie. The recent Bond movies have had as many as 30 product placements. 


Tuesday, September 14, 2021



Subvertising is the act of making an advertisement mocking or ruining the reputation of a certain brand. Subvertising is the opposite of advertising, it tries to convince you not to support a certain brand/business.

Public service announcement

A message to the public by the media with the purpose of raising awareness and spreading a message among a large number of people.

Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is premium content that a sponsor pays a publisher to create and distribute.


An interstitial ad is an ad which pops up between transitions of content on mobile devices.

Transit Advertising

An advertisement placed on or in any mode of transport – from buses to taxis, trains, trams, and subways.

Radio Advertising

Buying commercials to promote products or services. Advertisers pay commercial radio stations for airtime and, in exchange, the radio station broadcasts the advertiser's commercial to its listening audience.



Product placement

  Product Placement - When a company pays a movie or television program to have their product displayed in their media, to sell the product. This works because it creates an association between the characters and them enjoying the product, hopefully making the viewer want to also enjoy the product.

Although James Bond is known for his martini, shaken not stirred; the Heineken company paid 45 million USD to be featured in Skyfall. The recent Bond movies have had as many as 30 product placements. 

Product placement in film and television is used as a form of subliminal advertising.


Source: https://legalvision.com.au/why-is-james-bond-drinking-heineken-in-skyfall/

fred, enes, uthman

Global issues?

 Sustainable development goals

Read: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/

Task: Pick one goal that is close to your heart, and find a body of work that would help you towards understanding how this issue is covered in media. Post it on the blog.

Body of work:  entirety of the creative or academic output produced by a particular individual or unit. --> In IB: a set works of the same genre by the same authorship, preferably (at least partly) thematically connected.

Global issues: https://clearingmagazine.org/archives/979

(See also PhilpotNew Chapter 8: The Individual Oral = IO p 321)

Monday, September 13, 2021

Ad presentation (Steven, Timo, Anastasia)


Subvertising is the act of making an advertisement mocking or ruining the reputation of a certain brand. Subvertising is the opposite of advertising, it tries to convince you not to support a certain brand/business.

Public service announcement

A message to the public by the media with the purpose of raising awareness and spreading a message among a large number of people.

Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is premium content that a sponsor pays a publisher to create and distribute.


An interstitial ad is an ad which pops up between transitions of content on mobile devices.

Transit Advertising

An advertisement placed on or in any mode of transport – from buses to taxis, trains, trams, and subways.

Radio Advertising

Buying commercials to promote products or services. Advertisers pay commercial radio stations for airtime and, in exchange, the radio station broadcasts the advertiser's commercial to its listening audience.



Task 2.2 (Sithil, Neel, Pradnya)

 Flash mob: 

A group of people summoned (as by email or text message) to a designated location at a specified time to perform an indicated action before dispersing

Josh fight 

Publicity stunt: 

Something unusual that is done to attract people's attention to a particular person, product

                                                Boris Johnson Publicity stunt

Link  to more definitions


Guerilla advertising

Since one learning outcome of part 2 is to “examine different forms of communication within the media”, we also need to look at the wonderful world of ‘guerrilla’ and ‘ambient’ advertising.
Guerrilla and ambient advertising involve the unique placement of unique ads, which makes their meaning dependent on the physical context in which they appear.
The ‘Oldtimer’ rest stop ad you can see below illustrates the concept of guerrilla and ambient advertising quite well. A picture of an open mouth with the heading ‘All you can eat Rest stop’ conveys meaning when the mouth is actually eating something, literally, which happens to be these cars that drive through the mouth and into a tunnel.

The term ‘ambient’ refers to the ad’s dependence on its physical surroundings. The term ‘guerrilla’ refers to the fact that these ads are not always placed with the permission of the person or organization that owns the space in which the ads are placed.
Just as ‘guerrilla’ warfare breaks the rules of war, guerrilla ads often break the conventions of advertising. They started in the 1990s as a subversive form of marketing, with stickers on light posts (the famous ‘Hope’ poster of Barack Obama by Shepard Fairey is an example of one such sticker - google it). Originally guerrilla ads were inexpensive and part of a counter-culture. Today guerrilla advertising is also conducted by mainstream, commercial organizations.
Some examples:
Questions to ask when analysing such adverts:
Who has placed this ad in this location and how is it context dependent?
How might the ad make viewers think differently about a particular product or idea?

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Experience with English so far.

Since I have lived in England for nearly all my life, I am quite fond of speaking and writing in English. I have Estonian parents so I also try to communicate in Estonian with them to develop my skills. My use of sophisticated language is fairly ok. Other than English and Estonian, I do not speak any other languages at the moment. I do not read a lot of books but my favorite book genre would have to be horror. I've always enjoyed spooky or chilling stories because the lore is usually really good and it makes me want to keep on reading. Back in England, we were studying and analyzing a certain play named "An Inspector Calls". It was written by J. B. Priestly and it was really interesting. If you are able to read the play by yourself, the whole story starts to unravel and you just can't stop reading. I would recommend reading it for yourselves. 

Images and magazine covers

To complement PhilpotNew Unit 1.1:

* several documents on Tera (two will be handed out in class)

* how to analyse art: https://nladesignvisual.wordpress.com/2013/01/21/how-to-analyse-paintings/

https://www.studentartguide.com/articles/how-to-analyze-an-artwork --> 

Task: condense this into a short guide for analysing art in the context of LangLit. (Write it, preferably collaboratively.)

* logo: https://99designs.com/blog/tips/types-of-logos/

* icon or symbol: https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-icon-and-vs-symbol/

* perspective: https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/perspective-in-paintings-2578098

* allusion = an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference (How do you solve a problem called ...?)

* body language and facial expressions:


*emojis: https://staysafeonline.org/blog/secret-language-emoji/


* the symbolism of colours: https://www.incredibleart.org/lessons/middle/color2.htm




Use Analyzing a Photograph: A How-To Guide (HO + available on Tera) to analyse this image from the previous LangLit Course Companion first as a photograph, and later as an advert: 

For magazine covers, consult "Magazine cover" in Tera.

If you at any point believe that you have exhausted the possibilities of this part of the book and any extra materials, move on to U1.2 Advertisements.

Language background

Throughout my life, I have learned many languages because I have traveled a lot. I have lived in the Netherlands for four years, in America for one year. I am currently living in Estonia, it is my second year here. My native language is Georgian and I was born there. I am fluent in Georgian and speak the language at home and around most of my friends.

I first started to learn English when I moved to America. Everyone around me was a native speaker which made the process of my learning much quicker. After I moved back from America, I always watched shows and movies in English which kept improving my vocabulary. In school, English has always been one of my favorites because it always came naturally, therefore it was simple to get good grades.

I am looking to improve my grammar since that is my weakest point in the English language. Essay writing, listening, and speaking are much more familiar to me.

Language Background (fred)

 I started learning English at age 5. My family is Estonian and I speak Estonian with them, but I have always learned in English. Even when I lived in Estonia, I would go to international schools primarily in English. I would say I'm fluent in English, more so than my mother tongue Estonian. I also learned French, Spanish, and Italian but can't speak those fluently.

My Language Background and Reading Habits

Hey I'm Enes and this blog is going to be about the languages I speak, my experience with them, and my reading habits.

My mother tongue is Albanian, I mostly use this with my parents and family back at home in Albania however when I can't find the right word I use English to help me out . Hopefully in the future I can properly learn Albanian as still to this day I make mistakes when writing and at times even when talking.
The second language and the one which I'm most comfortable with is English. I learned this in the 1st grade, I use English everyday, with my friends and teachers at school. For me English and Albanian are my 1st languages as I learned English at a very young age. Nevertheless I still make grammar mistakes when writing in English which are things that I would like to avoid in the future.
The 3rd language I speak is Italian. I learned Italian when I used to live in Italy. When I first learned it I was very good at writing but now since it has been a long time my skills in writing have deteriorated, but I can still speak it and understand it quite well.
The 4th language I know is German. I learned this in our school Miina Härma Gümnaasium. I can speak it at an ok level, but my grammar skills and writing are nothing too crazy. I know enough to get myself out of sticky situations, and have a little conversation.
Then the last which I used to know again pretty well but forgot it completely is Spanish. I also learned this when I lived in Italy. I learned this at my old school and at the time my grammar, writing and talking skills were pretty good, but once I left I rarely used it which led to me forgetting it, however this year I am taking it once again to freshen my memory and learn it once more.
Now on to my reading habits. My reading habits aren't as good as I want them to be but at least I still read from time to time. When I usually read I like to go somewhere with complete silence so it's just me and the book. I also make sure to find a comfortable spot since I will be staying there for a long time, and sometimes also bring a snack or a drink such as tea because for some reason it makes me feel cozy. The books I usually read vary from different subjects but they aren't too thick nor too slim.

English Entry

 I was born and raised in a predominantly Greek-speaking country, but simultaneously learned in British schooling systems for around 10 years. During this time I was fluent in 3 languages, nowadays I can confidently speak Estonian and English, but my Greek could use a lot of help. 

I’m pursuing HL English in IB because I have a hard time coming around to reading books and long texts without being forced to. Because of this I am losing precious resources for my own literary development. In other words, I am actively going out of my comfort zone over the course of the program to try and build a standard of myself that I can apply outside of school. 

 Although I have never struggled with reading most forms of writings in English. I have somewhat recently been attempting to pick up niche philosophy books, but I have found most are filled with meticulously placed hyper-jargon which produces heavily emotional responses when understood. The conjoining of concepts and complex definitions fascinates me a lot, it’s a very unique style of writing (at least from my experience) which I find most enjoyable to read. A problem I tend to have with it, however, is that 1 page will cost me around 15 minutes of dictionary scouting.

 Where it stands with my English is such that I am looking to enrich my vocabulary to the extent of understanding my favorite genre of writing. In addition, I want to be forced to become familiar with the act of dedicating time to picking up and reading a book. 

Monday, September 6, 2021

My Language Background

Even though I was born in Indonesia, I had two first languages. I started speaking in both Indonesian and English at the same time, so both can be called my mother tongues. When I was 6 I learned how to speak fluent Spanish and I started studying Korean 4 years ago, I can read, write and understand quite a lot very well though I still struggle when it comes to speaking. I've also studied Russian for 3 years though I still am very bad at it and I recently began learning French. In terms of English, I'm great at reading, I read very quickly and on average at least 2 books every month. Usually, between 700-900 words but I look for quality over quantity in books. I do write a bit as well and I believe I'm quite good at it, I'm also quite fast, I can type around 7,000-10,000 words an hour though I hope to improve it in the future. 

About My language background

I have learned English for since first grade but I'd say that I'm not very fluent. I'm from Sri Lanka and my mother tongue is Sinhala. Since middle school I've been studying in English. But I only started speaking in English when I came to Estonia about 6 years ago. I am good at writing, but it usually takes way too long for me to get started (get it going). My reading experience I'd say not very good. I don't read that often and the book I read are usually short (500<pages).  I think I've read more books during this summer than 2 previous years combined

My language background

I am quite confident as to say that my English language background is quite good. In terms of verbal communication I can say that I am quite good, since I have spoken English my entire life. Writing on the other hand is a more finicky subject. I am good at writing and can write elaborate and complex sentences, but I feel as though I am way too slow and always end up spending too much time fixing my mistakes. My reading background is quite strong, in the sense that I read a lot on a weekly basis and have quite a few books.

Revision for Paper 1 - some useful links

Political cartoons: https://www.ncpedia.org/anchor/analyzing-political-cartoons# https://www.blitznotes.org/ib/eng-langlit-sl/cartoon_conven...